“As little as 5.00 US dollars can keep an elementary school child in class for another month”

As a nonprofit, AFF depends completely on the support of donors and volunteers to finance its charitable activities. Your financial contributions are essential for the continuing assistance for the under-privileged children. Each donation, large or small, one time or recurring, is greatly appreciated by the children and their families.

Please donate using one of the methods below:

1- By check: Pay to the order of AFAR Foundation

Mail to: 114 Avenida Fernando, San Dimas, CA 91773-3961

2- By credit cards or PayPal : Click on Donate button
3- Donate with NO money out of your pocket by participating in the Smile Amazon Program

Donation are tax deductible, Please find us in IRS webpage Pub. 78 

All donations will be acknowledged through email and/or USPS delivered receipts. Donors will receive a newsletter and annual reports of earnings and progress reports if requested.